The feeling of wanting her so bad you can reach out to her and feel her strong
arms around you tightly. You can smell her soft hair, her scented perfume, and her glistening skin. You can imagine
the sparkle in her eyes. I looked deep within her eyes to reveal her perfect soul. They twinkled when she is happy.
I saw her love for me. She touched my heart with just a look into my eyes. Carefully wiping away a tear from her
flush cheek, you realized you have fallen for her without even a thought. She spoke like an angelic chorus from heaven
that has graced my life. We suddenly kissed softly on the lips as passionately as both permitted. I opened my eyes
to awake laying on my bed and her nowhere to be found. A dream of what might come? Only time knows.
Patrick Krawczynski
Copyright ©2005 Patrick Jay Krawczynski